
Online Hypnotherapy

Online hypnotherapy through Zoom, Skype, Teams, Facetime and more

Skype, Teams, Facetime and Zoom appointments are still available – and they work extremely well too. As long as you can be in a quite place where you won’t be disturbed – helping with life making changes in 2021  or call  07807 540142 and we can set up an appointment

Matthew Exell - online hypnotherapy and hypnotherapist in Reading, Berkshire at the Excel Practice
Matthew Exell – hypnotherapist in UK and helping people from all over the globe

Helping with life making change online hypnotherapy

Recently I’ve worked with many people all over the world including Ukraine, Poland, USA, New Zealand, Brazil, Italy and many more countries – all using the best remote technology, it works!

Hello I’m Matthew, Mindset coach, a cognitive hypnotherapist, NLP master practitioner and life coach; specializing in helping with confidence, stress and anxiety related issues.

And also helping with addictions, phobias, habits, depression, emotional issues, weight loss and much more

As well as the fear and phobias of needles, injections, vaccines, germs, of dying, doctors, hospitals and OCD; and more related to Covid-19 though online hypnotherapy

Thank you for visiting this website. It’s so important to find the right therapist and right person to help you, so now I will help to provide you with all the right information that you will need to make that decision – that I can help you now! Click HERE for more about me.

Starting something new is always the hardest part and also it’s always not easy to ask for help – yet some good news is that just by being here you’re already on your way to coming to be a happier, healthier, stronger, more resilient and effective you.

Can Hypnotherapy be done online?

People often ask me if online Hypnotherapy is possible and whether it’s effective, more so now and with the current situation with Covid-19.

The simple answer is yes, it is possible, and it is just as effective as in-person Hypnotherapy. Almost all hypnosis and NLP and the various tools and techniques can also be used online via video technology, like Zoom, Skype, Facetime or Teams.

It can be just as effective as working together in the clinic and follows the same structured approach. It’s also very convenient if you are restricted by time, location, family commitments or medial conditions, making it accessible to all and from all over the world.

Some people feel more relaxed and comfortable working from their own home or maybe even office (I’ve also worked with people in their cars) which can only add to the positive outcome as we work together.

 In fact, some recent research backs this up and with one report concluding that online therapy lead to better progress and was more effective compared to face to face therapy.

Click HERE for a review inform the Journal of Medical Internet Research (Vol. 14, No. 4) stated that results “indicate that e-therapy seems to be at least equivalent to face-to-face therapy”.

Actually online hypnotherapy doesn’t reply on having a therapist in the room with you. We all go in and out of what can be called ‘trance states’, these trance states and similar to the state of hypnosis. This hypnotic state, also known as ‘trance’ several times a day, often when we’re focused on the task in hand.

For example have you ever been watching a good film or reading a book and completely lost track of time? This is a trance state, in this case what is called time distortion. There are several trance states which can be used in hypnotherapy and NLP.

How do I know of online hypnotherapy online will work for me?

Online hypnotherapy is just as effective there is no difference. It’s important that you choose the right therapist for you, someone you like, trust and feel comfortable talking with.

What do I need access to for online hypnotherapy?

  • A reliable internet connection
  • Laptop, PC or device with good sound and camera
  • A quiet comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed
  • Headphones allow you to be fully immersed during hypnosis – if you want to use headphones
  • Remember to turn off notifications on your devices and phones  or call  07807 540142 and we can set up an appointment