


Hypnotherapy in Reading, Berkshire and Didcot and Wallingford in Oxfordshire for help with stress, and helping with stressful situations, circumstances and people

Close to Wantage, Abingdon, Oxford, Henley, Sonning, Pangbourne, Caversham, Burghfield, Tilehurst, Calcot, Whitley, Wokingham, Twyford, Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead 


Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life coaching in person, face to face and online via Zoom, Skype and Teams

In Didcot I can currently work Wednesdays 10.30 am to 5.30 pm with some later times by arrangement; and on some Fridays by arrangement

In Reading on Mondays through to Fridays 10am – 8pm

And also online hypnotherapy with Zoom, Skype, and Teams


A certain level of stress is actually useful to you and help your body to prepare for certain challenges, so it’s probably impossible to live without any stress. But too much stress, especially if it’s day in, day out, can cause physical and emotional problems. Common causes of stress include stress at work, redundancy, money worries, illness or injury, marriage breakdown and bereavement.

Stress can cause symptoms such as high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, palpitations and can eventually lead to stress related illness such as ulcer, hypertension and (IBS) irritable bowel syndrome.  It can also lower immunity and cause low morale, relationship problems and lower motivation in personal life at work and at home. Everybody has a different threshold to stress.

Stress and anxiety often lead to one feeling overwhelmed, which is when the body’s natural defences are triggered, and the hormone cortisol is released into the blood. This has the effect of raising heart and breathing rates – in preparation for the stress of the situation at hand. If this is not properly managed this scenario can lead to a perpetual feeling of pressure or nervous tension, which can be exhausting for sufferers. 

Stress can lead to a person’s immune system being affected so they are more susceptible to illness. Stress also drives people into finding ways to cope with how they are feeling, sometimes turning to excessive drinking, drugs or other behaviours which may provide short term relief but are often damaging to their health, relationships and self-esteem. This can ultimately leave them feeling much worse and quite powerless.

Call 07807 540142 or  Email today and working in-person and online

Some things you can do to help are

  • Get plenty of exercise
  • Healthy eating and a healthy diet
  • Have lots of sleep
  • Sufficient rest and relaxation time

And by

  • Limiting stress or stressful situations in your life 
  • Other disciplines such as yoga, Tai chi, meditation, simple breathing exercise and self-hypnosis are increasingly utilised alongside these techniques to aid recovery and healing
  • Stop watching the news or reading newspapers

Symptoms of stress can include

  • Sleeping problems – insomnia, frequent waking and night terrors
  • Changes in eating habits such as eating bad foods, binge eating or struggling to eat
  • Drinking alcohol or using drugs, both legal and illegal
  • Stomach pains or IBS
  • Headache or Migraines

Stress and anxiety are related as anyone feeling overly stressed will be anxious that the stress levels will continue; and anyone suffering from anxiety will have a level of stress on them.

We all need some level of both stress and anxiety to survive, compete and grow and develop as individuals. Also a certain level of stress is useful for things such as exams, interviews and for sporting events, as it helped to keep you alert, focused and keep your mind on the goal.

Using hypnotherapy to discover and work on any key issues and any root cause is always where I would suggest starting and after we can work on the present, the here-and-now and for real life situations. It is very important to manage stress in order to feel happier and calmer and more in control through life.

Within hypnotherapy, NLP, breathing, visualisation, learning to use your imagine better and through ideas from positive psychology there are plenty of options on how I can help you overcome both stress and anxiety.

Stress as defined by the NHS – HERE

Call 07807 540142 or  Email today and working in-person and online

Work Related Stress:

Some things which can happen in stressful work places include:

  • Disputes and disaffection within the group
  • Increase in staff turnover
  • Increase in complaints and grievances
  • Increased sickness absence
  • Increased reports of stress
  • Difficulty in attracting new staff
  • Poor performance
  • Customer dissatisfaction or complaints

So if you’re individually experiencing any of the signs of stress, you do need to take control and take responsibility for yourself – for yourself and your loved ones

Stress as described by Mental Health Org – HERE

Call 07807 540142 or  Email today and working in-person and online

For online hypnotherapy for stress please do ask for details on how I can help you with this using on Zoom, Skype, Teams and other on-line technology

The Rahe Stress Scale

To measure stress according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the number of “Life Change Units” that apply to events in the past year of an individual’s life are added and the final score will give a rough estimate of how stress affects health.

Units = Adult Life Changes   

100 Death of a spouse
73  Divorce
65  Marital separation 
63  Imprisonment
63  Death of a close family member 
53  Personal injury or illness
50  Marriage
47  Dismissal from work 
45  Marital reconciliation
45  Retirement
44  Change in health of family member 
40  Pregnancy
39  Sexual difficulties
39  Gain a new family member
39  Business readjustment 
38  Change in financial state
35  Change in frequency of arguments 
32  Major mortgage
30  Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 
29  Change in responsibilities at work 
29  Child leaving home 
29  Trouble with in-laws

28  Outstanding personal achievement 
26  Spouse starts or stops work 
26  Begin or end school
25  Change in living conditions 
24  Revision of personal habits 
23  Trouble with boss
20  Change in working hours or conditions 
20  Change in residence 
20  Change in schools
19  Change in recreation
19  Change in church activities 
18  Change in social activities 
17  Minor mortgage or loan 
16  Change in sleeping habits
15  Change in number of family reunions 
15  Change in eating habits
13  Vacation 
12  Christmas
11  Minor violation of law

Scores of 300+: You are at risk of illness.
Score of 150-299+: The risk of illness is moderate (-30% from the above risk).
Score 150-: Only have a slight risk of illness.

Help with stress near Wantage, Abingdon, Oxford, Henley, Sonning, Pangbourne, Caversham, Burghfield, Tilehurst, Calcot, Whitley, Wokingham, Twyford, Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead